Computer Organization and Networks (WS 2024/25)

Course Number INB06000UF | Wintersemester 2024/25


In this course, we learn to model synchronous digital systems at the functional layer as well as the structural layer by using the hardware-design language SystemVerilog. Based on this, we discuss typical concepts found in computer organization: The fetch/execute algorithm, instruction sets, input and output, the stack, interrupt, pipelining, caches, and virtual memory. Furthermore, we learn the fundamentals of computer networks and communication technology.

The course is offered for students in the third semester of their bachelor's studies. It is advisable to have completed the programming courses offered in the first and second semesters. The course consists of four parts:

  • Basics (logic gates, number representation, sequential logic, state machines)
  • Processors, part I (Instruction sets, peripherals, C to machine language)
  • Networks (Basics, Layers: Link, network, transport, and application)
  • Processors, part II (pipelining, caches, virtual memory, security)


There are recordings available on TUbe. All examples shown in the lectures are available via git from examples-2024. For running the examples the toolchain from the practical is needed. For the first lectures, additionally the tool Digitial is needed.  
Date Begin End Slides
2024-10-02 13:00 15:15 00_Welcome, 01_Combinational_Circuits
2024-10-09 13:00 15:15 02_Number_Representation  
2024-10-16 13:00 15:15 03_State_Machines
2024-10-16 17:30 19:30 SystemVerilog Tutorial
2024-10-22 18:00 20:15 04_Processors
2024-10-30 13:00 15:15 04_Processors continued
2024-11-06 13:00 15:15 05_Programming, 05_Stack_Examples05_Buffer_Oberflow
2024-11-13 13:00 15:15 05_Programming continued,  06_Interrupts_and_DMA
2024-11-20 13:00 15:15 07_Networking_1
2024-11-27 13:00 15:15 No course
2024-12-04 13:00 15:15 08_Networking_2
2024-12-11 13:00 15:15 09_Networking_3
2024-12-18 13:00 15:15 10_Pipelining
2025-01-08 13:00 15:15 11_Memory_Systems
2025-01-14 18:00 20:15 11_Memory_Systems continued
2025-01-22 13:00 15:15
Practicals For easy access to the toolchain, use our provided VirtualBox image with all tools preinstalled. We provide support for x86 machines with Ubuntu Linux if you have troubles/questions regarding the virtual machine.
  • Alternatively, you can manually install the toolchain.
    • You can install the OSS-CAD-Suite, which will give you almost all the tools you need for the hardware design (i.e., iverilog, yosys, gtkwave).
    • Additionally, you need to install sv2v.
  • Both OSS-CAD-Suite and sv2v offer binaries for Linux, macOS, and Windows.
Also, you could replicate the toolchain from ansible. Note that we provide no support for that.  
Date Event
2024-10-04 tutorial videos
2024-10-16 deadline Task 0
2024-10-31 deadline Task 1
2024-11-15 deadline Task 2
2024-11-29 deadline Task 3
2024-12-09 week of assignment interviews for T0, T1, T2, T3
2024-12-20 deadline Task 4
2025-01-17 deadline Task 5
2025-01-27 week of assignment interviews for T4 & T5
Question Hours
  • Question hours take place in person during specific timeslots (refer to your TU calendar). During question hours, two or more teaching assistants will be present to answer your questions regarding the assignments. This should be your primary place to ask questions. There will be three question hour slots in every week with a CON-related deadline.
Tutorials Material of Previous Years

Administrative Information

The lecture will be held in presence in the lecture hall.
  • The lecture takes place every Wednesday at 13:00 and will be held in two blocks of 60min with a 15min break in-between. The exam after the annual lecture is in written form with a duration of 90 minutes.
  • The practicals consist of these parts:
    • tutorial videos: will be published here to introduce students to a topic or assignment
    • question hours: happen every week in presence at ISEC.
    • assignment sheet: will contain the assignments and is distributed here
    • deadlines: always happen on 23:59
    • assignment interviews: your TA will send you an invitation. You discuss your solutions with your TA.
    • grading: based on the assignments handed in by your TA.

Lecture Dates

Date Begin End Location Event Type Comment
2025/01/22 13:00 15:15 HS i13 Abhaltung VO fix/
2025/01/27 08:00 13:00 Besprechungsraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/27 08:00 10:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/27 08:00 18:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/27 08:00 18:00 Büro Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/27 11:00 18:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/27 14:30 18:00 Besprechungsraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/28 08:00 18:00 Büro Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/28 08:00 09:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/28 08:00 10:00 Besprechungsraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/28 08:00 09:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/28 11:00 13:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/28 13:00 18:00 Besprechungsraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/28 15:30 18:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/28 17:00 18:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/29 08:00 18:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/29 08:00 18:00 Büro Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/29 08:00 09:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/29 11:00 18:00 Besprechungsraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/29 11:00 18:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/30 08:00 18:00 Besprechungsraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/30 08:00 18:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/30 08:00 18:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/30 08:00 18:00 Büro Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/31 08:00 18:00 Besprechungsraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/31 08:00 18:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/31 08:00 18:00 Büro Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE
2025/01/31 08:00 18:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung KU fix/ABGABEGESPRÄCHE


Stefan Mangard

Head of Institute

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Jakob Heher

PhD Student

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Lukas Anton Lamster
Lukas Anton

PhD Student

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Martin Unterguggenberger

PhD Student

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Moritz Waser

PhD Student

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