Stefan Pranger

Dipl.-Ing. BSc

Formal Methods, PhD Student

Stefan Pranger joined IAIK in 2022 as a member of the Trusted AI group. During his Master studies of Computer Science, he was actively involved at the research at IAIK and co-authored four papers; two of them as first author, and two of the conferences are top conferences of the field. Stefan's research interests lie primarily in the area of probabilistic model checking, runtime monitoring and enforcement, and artificial intelligence.

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Stefan Pranger


Tools at the Frontiers of Quantitative Verification

Andriushchenko R., Bork A., Budde C., Češka M., Grover K., Hahn E., Hartmanns A., Israelsen B., Jansen N., Jeppson J., Junges S., Köhl M., Könighofer B., Křetínský J., Meggendorfer T., Parker D., Pranger S., Quatmann T., Ruijters E., Taylor L., Volk M., Weininger M., Zhang Z.
TOOLympics Challenge 2023 - Updates, Results, Successes of the Formal-Methods Competitions, 30th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 90–146, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 14550 LNCS)

Test Where Decisions Matter: Importance-driven Testing for Deep Reinforcement Learning

Pranger S., Chockler H., Tappler M., Könighofer B.
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS 2024

Automata Learning meets Shielding

Tappler M., Pranger S., Könighofer B., Muskardin E., Bloem R., Larsen K.
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Verification Principles - 11th International Symposium, ISoLA 2022, Proceedings, ISOLA 2022, 335-359, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 13701 LNCS)

Adaptive Shielding under Uncertainty.

Pranger S., Könighofer B., Tappler M., Deixelberger M., Jansen N., Bloem R.
2021 American Control Conference, ACC 2021, 2021 American Control Conference, 3467-3474, (Proceedings of the American Control Conference; vol. 2021-May)

TEMPEST - Synthesis Tool for Reactive Systems and Shields in Probabilistic Environments

Pranger S., Könighofer B., Posch L., Bloem R.
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis - 19th International Symposium, ATVA 2021, Proceedings, 19th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis , 222-228, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); vol. 12971 LNCS)

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