Fredrik Meisingseth

Cryptology & Privacy, Research Staff

After graduating with a degree in applied mathematics from Chalmers in Gothenburg, Sweden, i started here at the iaik as a doctoral student in the fall of 2022. My research mainly concerns differential privacy, and more specifically its interplay with other cryptographic techniques, such as multi-party computation, homomorphic encryption and zero-knowledge proofs.  I am also very interested in societal aspects of technology (mostly regarding privacy) and questions exploring how the mathematical guarantees one can get from cryptographic techniques can, and should, reasonably be translated to the languages of other disciplines such as philosophy, ethics and law.

I currently take part in the teaching of PETS and MFC and supervise students in ISW as well as bachelor's and master's theses. In case you have questions about any of those courses or are interested in a project related to differential privacy or mathematical aspects of cryptography more generally, feel free to send me an email or just drop by my office.
Fredrik Meisingseth


SoK: Computational and Distributed Differential Privacy for MPC

Meisingseth F., Rechberger C.
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 25th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium, PETS 2025, 420-439

Practical Two-party Computational Differential Privacy with Active Security

Meisingseth F., Rechberger C., Schmid F.
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 24th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium, PETS 2024, 341-360

OPRFs from Isogenies

Heimberger L., Hennerbichler T., Meisingseth F., Ramacher S., Rechberger C.
ACM AsiaCCS 2024 - Proceedings of the 19th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 19th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 575-588

OPRFs from Isogenies

Heimberger L., Hennerbichler T., Meisingseth F., Ramacher S., Rechberger C.
ASIA CCS '24: Proceedings of the 19th ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 19th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 575 - 588

Hiding Your Awful Online Choices Made More Efficient and Secure

Mukherjee S., Walch R., Meisingseth F., Lex E., Rechberger C.
ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection - 39th IFIP International Conference, SEC 2024, Proceedings, 39th IFIP International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection, 353-366, (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology; vol. 710)

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