Digital System Integration and Programming (WS 2024/25)

Course Number 705007 | Wintersemester 2024/25


The course is about the design of embedded systems on silicon. We will have a look at the following topics: - System-on-chip design process - System-on-chip modelling - Function-architecture co-design - Platform-based design - Communication-networks on chip - Operating systems for systems-on-chip - Software design for embedded systems


Administrative Information

Previous Knowledge

This course addresses advanced-level students. Knowledge about software design, operating systems, networks, computer organization and digital design is necessary in order to be able to follow the course. There are no formal prerequisites.

Prerequisites Curriculum

See position in the curriculum


After having attended this course, the students have an understanding of current problems in designing complex embedded systems on silicon, also known as "systems on chip". The participants have gained insight into these by having studied typical microchip architectures and by modelling these. As a group, the participants will have designed and implemented a typical system.



Teaching Method

The course material is defined through the course project`s problems. Each participant will specialize in a set of topics, and will present those topics to the whole group. With this knowledge, each group should be able to design, implement, and test the overall system.

How to get a grade

Grading consists of individual contributions throughout the course`s duration. In particular, these are one presentations, two exercises and active participation in discussions.


Lecture Dates

Date Begin End Location Event Type Comment
2025/01/22 10:00 12:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung VU fix/
2025/01/24 13:00 15:00 HS i6 Abhaltung VU fix/Exercise Interviews Project 2b
2025/01/27 09:00 11:00 HS i6 Abhaltung VU fix/Exercise Interviews Project 2b


Stefan Mangard

Head of Institute

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Rishub Nagpal

PhD Student

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