Information Security (WS 2024/25)

Course Number INP33404UF | Wintersemester 2024/25

Understand the basics of secure applications


This module introduces you to the key topics of information security: cryptography, system security, and network security. Topics include encryption algorithms, digital signatures, secure communication protocols, threat scenarios for IT systems, isolation techniques, runtime security, side-channel attacks, network security, privacy, and more.


Date Who Lecture 9:35–12:00 (HS i13) Recording Practicals 13:35–15:00
04.10.2024 ME L0 – Introduction YouTube (2021)
11.10.2024 ME L1 – Cryptography 1 YouTube (2021) P1 Kickoff, Group Registration Deadline
18.10.2024 ME L2 – Cryptography 2 YouTube (2021) P1 Tutorial
25.10.2024 ME L3 – Cryptography 3 YouTube (2021) P1 Tutorial
08.11.2024 ME L4 – Cryptography 4 YouTube (2021) P1 Question Hour (Discord)
15.11.2024 DG L5 – System Security 1 YouTube (2021) P2 Kickoff, P1 Deadline
22.11.2024 DG L6 – System Security 2 YouTube (2020) P2 Tutorial
29.11.2024 DG L7 – System Security 3 YouTube (2021) P2 Tutorial
06.12.2024 DG L8 – System Security 4 YouTube (2021) P2 Question Hour (Discord)
13.12.2024 JH L9 – Network Security 1 YouTube (2021) P3 Kickoff/Tutorial, P2 Deadline
10.01.2025 JH LA – Network Security 2 YouTube (2021) P3 Question Hour (Discord)
17.01.2025 JH No lecture P3 Deadline
24.01.2025 JH LB – Network Security 3 YouTube (2021)
31.01.2025 VO Exam
Previous versions of this course: WS 2023/2024, WS 2022/2023, WS 2021/2022 (YouTube playlist), WS 2020/2021 (YouTube playlist), WS 2019/2020


Task Kick-off (13:30) Deadline (18:00, git tag) Assignment Interviews Material
P1 Cryptography 11.10.2024 15.11.2024 18.11.2024 — 21.11.2024 assignment sheet, upstream repo
P2 System Security 15.11.2024 13.12.2024 16.12.2024 — 19.12.2024 assignment sheet
P3 Network Security 13.12.2024 17.01.2025 20.01.2025 — 24.01.2025 assignment sheet
Group registration deadline: 11.10.2024 (18:00)

Administrative Information

Lecture Exams (VO)

In order to get a grade for the VO, you take a written, 60-minute exam. This is a closed-book exam, i.e., you are not allowed to bring any material such as notes or books. You can earn a total of 48 points: 8 for each of 6 question pages. Each area (Cryptography, System Security, Network Security) is represented by 2 question pages.
Grade 5 4 3 2 1
Min. Points < 24 ≥ 24 ≥ 30 ≥ 36 ≥ 42 of 48
You can find upcoming exam dates in TUGRAZonline.

Practicals (KU)

In the practicals, you implement small projects related to the topics discussed in the lectures. The practicals consist of 3 assignments P1, P2, P3 solved in teams of 2 students.

Teams and Team Registration

The KU is done in teams of 2 students. You can use the ISEC Discord, channel infosec-groupsearch to find team members. You then register your team in the TeachCenter. Your team will be assigned a random teaching assistant for the assignment interviews.


You are given access to a git repository in our teaching git where you have to push your submission. The required content is discussed in the Kick-Off lectures. You must mark your final submission by tagging it in git. The tag label is based on the assignment: P1, P2, and P3. As an example, P1 is the tag label for the first assignment. Before the deadline, you can change your tag if need be. Your submissions will be tested automatically by our test system. Thus, you need to respect and meet file naming constraints of the individual assignments. Otherwise, the tests will all fail and you will receive 0 points for the assignment. After hand-in of each task, there will be a team interview with a teaching assistant. There, both team members need to be able to explain your solution.


You can earn a total of 48 points: 16 for each task. The grading scheme is shown in the table below. You will get a grade as soon as you hand in a solution to P1 by adding a git tag. Groups that do not hand in anything for P1 will not be given a grade and will be unregistered from the course. Note that handing in P1 (even an empty solution) is the only condition for “getting a grade”.
Grade 5 4 3 2 1
Min. Points < 24 ≥ 24 ≥ 30 ≥ 36 ≥ 42 of 48
We treat the involvement of ChatGPT and similar tools the same way as the involvement of another natural person. That is, for involvement that qualifies as plagiarism or an impermissible level of assistance, the consequences will be the same in both cases to the strictest extent possible.

Contact and Communication

For questions regarding the courses we have the following communication channels:
  • TU Graz Teach Center: Official Announcements, FAQs, Forum and more.
  • Discord: ISEC server, channel infosec for all questions regarding lectures and exercises.
  • Discord: ISEC server, channel infosec-groupsearch to find team members for the exercises.
  • Mail your teaching assistent for questions and problems regarding your team or topic. Please use Discord for questions regarding the exercise topics, as other students might be interested as well.
  • for administrative questions (specific to your situation). Please use Discord for questions that might be of interest for other students as well.


Maria Eichlseder

Associate Professor

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Daniel Gruß


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Jakob Heher

PhD Student

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Lukas Anton Lamster
Lukas Anton

PhD Student

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Marcel Nageler

PhD Candidate

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Jonas Juffinger

PhD Candidate

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