Cryptography on Hardware Platforms (WS 2024/25)

Course Number 705220 | Wintersemester 2024/25


This course teaches how to implement cryptographic algorithms efficiently on hardware platforms. It covers hardware implementation aspects of symmetric-key and asymmetric-key cryptographic primitives, true and pseudo-random number generation, physically unclonable functions, as well as the basics of homomorphic encryption. In the practical assignments, you will be given reference proof-of-concept software implementations and you will build hardware-software codesign architectures for them.


Previous course information: WS 2023/24.
Questions and discussions with other students are possible in the #cryptoengineering channel in Discord.
All materials will be pushed to this Git repository and linked here:

Lecture materials:
Practical materials:
Paper Presentation: Tools:

Administrative Information

Previous Knowledge

Cryptography, Digital design (e.g., DSD course).

Prerequisites Curriculum

See position in the curriculum


Students will learn how to design cryptographic algorithms on hardware and hardware-software co-design platforms.
Learning goals:
  • FPGA-based design flow, prototyping in real FPGA, and performance benchmarking.
  • Problem-oriented hardware development for cryptography.
  • Standard and performance-optimized implementation techniques.
  • Secure implementation techniques.
Besides learning how to implement cryptographic algorithms securely and efficiently, you learn design methods for FPGA. This is a highly relevant skill for the semiconductor industry since FPGAs are widely used for prototyping as well as product development.



Teaching Method

Lectures and practicals will be in-person (2 hours lecture + 1 hour practical session).

How to get a grade

The grading is based on two practical assignments. Students will work on them in a team of two.


Lecture Dates

Date Begin End Location Event Type Comment
2025/01/20 10:00 11:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung VU fix/Lecture
2025/01/21 09:00 11:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung VU fix/Practical
2025/01/27 10:00 11:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung VU fix/Lecture
2025/01/28 09:00 11:00 Seminarraum Abhaltung VU fix/Practical


Sujoy Sinha Roy
Sinha Roy

Associate Professor

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Florian Krieger

PhD Student

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